The game show features all school representatives from each grade, who are randomly divided into four competing teams and seated on the stage bleachers. The fourth graders are seated in the front row, fifth graders in the row above them, and behind them the sixth, seventh, and eighth graders each in their own row. They …
Any Chidon participant can earn a plaque by scoring an 80% average on the Chidon final, or a plaque and a medal with a 90% average. Yes, if you work hard enough, you can get one too! If you are your school’s representative to the Chidon (by earning the highest average in your school on …
A tremendous amount of time, work, and money goes into creating the Chidon Experience. In fact, we have staff working on it all year long! The actual cost of the Experience is between *$100-500 per child, depending on the track that the child passed. Thanks to a generous grant by Mr. George Rohr, and other …
The Chidon Game Show and Awards Ceremony – otherwise known as the Chidon Event – is a two-part event. The Game Show features representatives from all participating Chidon schools, divided into four teams to compete against each other in an epic show of knowledge. They are challenged to answer unique and challenging questions on the …
No. The Experience is exclusive to those that earn it. You must have a passing average on the tests. Some schools may place additional limitations, please be in touch with your school’s Chidon Coordinator.
The Chidon Experience is a yearly world-class Reward system celebrating the achievements of our thousands of passionate Chidon students. Students are eligible for the Chidon Sweater, prizes, trips for the tests as well as Awards for the final which include certificates, plaques, medals & Trophies! Those in grade 8 that have completed all 613 Mitzvos …